Using Keywords To Level Up Your Finance Content Marketing

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Whether you manage your blog or write a few new paragraphs for your website- paying attention to keywords is critical if you’d like to boost your SEO.

First, what is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. According to MOZ Learning Center, SEO is increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results. If your website ranks high with SEO, it will likely be featured higher in search engine results, yielding more website visits.

What are keywords?

According to SEMrush, a leading SEO management tool, keywords are search terms that a website owner will use to optimize a website in the hopes of ranking at the top of Google’s results for specific keywords. Because Google values simplicity, keywords are words and short phrases that people type into search engines to find what they want. Therefore, words and phrases that writers should be sure to include in their content must appear on the website or within the site’s design. For example:

  • Wealth advisor, financial planning, financial advisor wealth management, etc.
  • How the SECURE Act 2.0 impacts investors (if you have a related article on your blog)
  • Business owner financial planning

Tips for strengthening keyword usage.

A website having nearly perfect SEO is no easy feat and not something you should expect to achieve overnight. Small content enhancements over time are your best bet for strengthening your website’s overall SEO. Here are some tips to enhance your keyword usage:

  • An excellent first step when boosting your keywords is brainstorming what people might type in when looking for your product or service. Once you have a list of about 15-20 words or phrases, ensure you include content with these topics in mind.
  • Choose a keyword or phrase and ensure it appears in your title, the first paragraph of your article, and your meta description. This method is one way for search engines to detect the topic of your post.
  • Type in your keyword or phrase to your selected search engine and note which articles currently appear in the top 3-5 results. It may be a good idea to draw inspiration from these posts.

Pro tip: type in your competitor’s name and see which articles appear on their website; these posts are another great place to find inspiration for your website’s blogs or social media posts.

  • Your selected keyword should appear 3-5 times in your article, not including your title or meta-description. Make sure not to overdo your keywords or write unnaturally, as search engines are sure to detect this.

Remember, boosting your website’s SEO won’t happen overnight. Posting new content each week on your website and social media using the article’s URL will help Google notice there’s activity on your website.

Lastly, you may consider hiring a digital SEO expert to go through each page of your website and check keywords, and meta-descriptions, that your site has Google tags.


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